Visual Notes

Sketchnoting is a blend of handwritten notes with drawings and icons to create an engaging visual layout of ideas.

Sketchnoting boosts memory retention, helps readers make connections between ideas and stimulate thinking.

They typically outperform all other visual content in ads and posts online such as stock art. People spend more time looking at these images which increases engagement.

Explore a selection of them in more detail on the blog:

Sketchnote for Alex Brueckmann’s article ‘How corporate jargon kills performance’

Sketchnotes from the Own Your Future Challenge event with Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins. Trent Shelton commented the sketchnote with him in was ‘super dope’ – nice testimonial!


I create a range of illustrations in different styles. These are popular for illustrating books and business articles online. You can also find some of my book covers here:

Graphic Recording

Graphic recording involves translating conversations or keynotes into a visual record of the session.

Delegates get the chance to see key ideas and metaphors created visually – helping the info to be absorbed and retained.

Promote collaboration, deeper engagement and creative thinking.

Get a quote for live graphic recording for your event:

Graphic recording live at a leaders strategy session

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